Agenda of Deutsch-Chinesischer Automobil Kongress 2023 (Changchun)
Agenda of Deutsch-Chinesischer Automobil Kongress 2023 (Changchun)
(Preliminary Agenda, subject to change)
Main Forum to be held on the morning of October 18 at Hongqi Hall
领导致辞 Speech by Leaders 09:00-09:30 |
崇泉,中国世界贸易组织研究会会长,原商务部国际贸易谈判副代表致辞 Speech by Chong Quan, Chairman of China Society for World Trade Organization Studies and Former Deputy China International Trade Representative, Ministry of Commerce |
吉林省领导致辞 Speech by the leader of Jilin Province |
长春市领导致辞 Speech by the leader of Changchun City |
德国驻华使馆领导致辞 Speech by the leader of German Embassy in China |
中国汽车工业协会领导致辞 Speech by the leader of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers |
行业观察 Industry Observation 09:30-09:50 |
演讲主题:宏观环境与汽车产业观察 Speech Theme: Observations on Macro Environment and Automobile Industry 演讲嘉宾:杜登霍夫教授,德国汽车研究中心主任 Speaker: Prof. Dudenhoeffer, Director of German Center for Automotive Research |
引领 Leading 09:50-10:20 |
演讲主题:中国品牌的“中国路线”与“全球布局” Speech Theme: "Chinese Way" and "Global Layout" of Chinese Brands 演讲嘉宾:雷平,一汽集团党委常委、副总经理、高级经济师 Speaker: Lei Ping, Standing Member of the Party Committee, Deputy General Manager, and Senior Economist of FAW Group |
演讲主题:德国品牌的“全球战略”与“中国故事” Speech Theme: "Global Strategy" and "Chinese Story" of German Brands 演讲嘉宾:贝瑞德,大众汽车集团(中国)董事长兼CEO(确认中) Speaker: Ralf Brandstätter, Chairman and CEO of Volkswagen Group China (waiting for confirmation) |
革新 Innovating 10:20-11:05 |
演讲主题:汽车市场商业模式变化趋势与启示 Speech Theme: Trends and Inspirations of Changes in the Automotive Market Business Model 演讲嘉宾:郑赟,罗兰贝格全球高级合伙人、汽车行业中心负责人 Speaker: Zheng Yun, Senior Global Partner of Roland Berger and Head of Automobile Industry Center |
演讲主题:智能汽车关键要素-车载芯片新动态 Speech Theme: The Key Element of Smart Cars - New Situation of On-Board Chips 演讲嘉宾:蒋健,博世中国区副总裁 Speaker: Jiang Jian, Vice President of Bosch China |
演讲主题:应用为导向,为客户企业提供最佳解决方案 Speech Theme: To Be Application-Oriented and Provide Optimal Solutions for Client Enterprises 演讲嘉宾:Thomas Edwin Regnet,谢德尔集团业务和产品开发总经理 Speaker: Thomas Edwin Regnet, General Manager of Business and Product Development of Scherdel Group |
超越 Surpassing 11:05-11:35 |
演讲主题:电池智能制造技术趋势 Speech Theme: Trends of Smart Battery Manufacturing Technology 演讲嘉宾:倪军,宁德时代首席制造官、工程制造及研发体系联席总裁、集团高级副总裁 Speaker: Ni Jun, Chief Production Officer, Co-President of Engineering Manufacturing and R&D System, and Senior Vice President of CATL |
演讲主题:《数字化时代数据应用新思考》 Speech Theme: New Thinking on Data Application in the Digital Age 演讲嘉宾:抄佩佩,中国汽车工程研究院股份有限公司总监 Speaker: Chao Peipei, Director of CAERI |
Parallel Sub-Forums to be held on the afternoon of October 18 at Nanhu Hotel
分论坛一:整车企业转型与产业发展分论坛 Sub-Forum I: Sub-Forum on Finished Automobile Enterprises' Transformation and Industrial Development |
新能源车销量持续上升,渗透率不断攀升,中国自主品牌、合资品牌、进口品牌等不同类型的整车企业都将采取不同的战略与策略进行应对,完成其自身的战略转型。 As the sales of new energy vehicles continue to rise, with an increasing market penetration rate, Chinese independent brands, joint venture brands, imported brands, and other different types of finished automobile enterprises will take different strategies and tactics to cope with the challenges so as to complete their own strategic transformation. |
14:00-14:20 |
演讲1:中国整车集团的转型机遇 Speech 1: Transformation Opportunities for Chinese Finished Automobile Groups 演讲嘉宾:孙惠斌,一汽集团战略与合作部总经理 Speaker: Sun Huibin, General Manager of Department of Strategy and Cooperation of FAW Group |
14:20-14:40 |
演讲2:合资品牌在新能源趋势下的破局之路 Speech 2: Joint Venture Brands' Breakthrough Solution in the New Energy Trend 演讲嘉宾:施睿哲,奥迪一汽新能源公司首席执行官 Speaker: Shi Ruizhe, CEO of FAW-Audi New Energy Company |
14:40-15:00 |
演讲3:自主品牌在智能网联领域的发展之路 Speech 3: Development Approach of Independent Brands in the Field of Intelligent Connected Vehicles 演讲嘉宾:长安汽车(确认中) Speaker: Chang'an Automobile (waiting for confirmation) |
15:00-15:20 |
演讲4:数据服务助力汽车企业高效增长 Speech 4: Data Services Boost Automobile Enterprises' Efficient Growth 演讲嘉宾:Andreas Valtl,德国电信汽车业务部高级经理 Speaker: Andreas Valtl, Senior Manager of Automotive Business Department of Deutsche Telekom AG |
15:20-15:40 |
演讲5:2023年新能源汽车消费洞察 Speech 5: Insights on 2023 New Energy Vehicle Consumption 演讲嘉宾:项碧波,汽车之家CTO Speaker: Xiang Bibo, CTO of Autohome |
15:40-16:00 |
演讲6:供应链变化对整车企业的影响 Speech 6: Impact of Supply Chain Changes on Finished Automobile Enterprises 演讲嘉宾:徐虎雄,罗兰贝格全球合伙人 Speaker: Xu Huxiong, Global Partner of Roland Berger |
16:00-17:00 |
圆桌论坛:车企如何更好应对产业新常态? Roundtable Forum: How can automobile enterprises better cope with the industry's new normal? 议题: Topics: 1. 如何更好的把握微观消费及宏观环境趋势? 1. How can we better grasp micro-consumption and macro-environmental trends? 2. 如何更好的让研、产、销、供紧密结合? 2. How can we better integrate research, production, marketing, and supply? 3. 如何看待目前海外发展机遇? 3. How do you view the current opportunities for overseas development? 4. 中德汽车产业在目前新常态下还有哪些加强合作的重要方向? 4. What are the other important directions for Sino-German automobile industries to strengthen cooperation under the current new normal? 5. 如何在汽车产业变革中,德方企业应对和调整策略有哪些? 5. What approaches and adjustments can German enterprises carry out to face the changes in the automobile industry? 6. 欧洲高能源成本,企业外迁计划如何,有哪些与中方市场相关考虑? 6. With high energy costs in Europe, what are the plans for enterprises to relocate out of the country and what are the considerations related to the Chinese market? 7. 整车企业在能效提升方面有哪些策略? 7. What are the strategies of finished automobile enterprises to improve energy efficiency?
主持人:徐虎雄,罗兰贝格全球合伙人 Host: Xu Huxiong, Global Partner of Roland Berger 对话嘉宾:奥迪一汽新能源、长安 Dialogue Guests: FAW-Audi New Energy Company, Chang'an Automobile Uwe Fritsh,大众前董事会成员 Uwe Fritsh, Former Member of Board of Directors of Volkswagen Stefan Schweitzer,萨尔州经济发展局局长 Stefan Schweitzer, Director of Saarland Economic Development Board Beatrix C.Keim,德国汽车研究中心中国事务总监 Beatrix C.Keim, Director of China Affairs of German Center for Automotive Research Sebastian Koch,德国下萨克森州产业集群负责人 Sebastian Koch, Head of Lower Saxony Industrial Cluster |
分论坛二:生态企业革新与产业升级分论坛 Sub-Forum II: Sub-Forum on Ecological Enterprise Innovation and Industrial Upgrading |
随着汽车产业变革趋势的不断演进,汽车产业的商业模式创新也不断提速,面向消费端的新零售模式,订阅式服务方式不断涌现,而产业内的合作范式和供应关系也在发生不断变化。 As the trend of changes in the automobile industry continues to evolve, business model innovation in the automobile industry keeps accelerating, with new retail models and subscription-based services for consumers emerging. The cooperation paradigm and supply relationships within the industry are also undergoing constant changes. 在此过程中,除传统汽车整车企业、零部件企业外,包含互联网企业、云服务企业、消费电子、金融企业等众多生态企业也纷纷参与进来,助力汽车产业不断自我革新,实现产业升级。 In this process, in addition to the traditional finished automobile enterprises and component enterprises, Internet enterprises, cloud service enterprises, consumer electronics enterprises, financial enterprises and many other ecological enterprises have also been involved in assisting the automobile industry to continuously innovate itself and realize industrial upgrading. |
14:00-14:20 |
演讲1:整车企业的新零售实践与思考 Speech 1: New Retail Practices and Reflections of Finished Automobile Enterprises 演讲嘉宾:广汽埃安(确认中) Speaker: GAC-Aion (waiting for confirmation) |
14:20-14:40 |
演讲2:整车企业售后服务的新模式与启示 Speech 2: New Models and Inspirations of After-Sales Services of Finished Enterprises 演讲嘉宾:李木子,赛力斯汽车智慧运营部副部长 Speaker: Li Muzi, Deputy Division Manager of Intelligent Operation Department of SERES |
14:40-15:00 |
演讲3:汽车金融模式的新变化与挑战 Speech 3: New Changes and Challenges in Auto Finance Models 演讲嘉宾:吕明相,中信银行总行交易银行部汽车市场处处长 Speaker: Lyu Mingxiang, Director of Automobile Market Division of Transaction Banking Department of CITIC Bank Head Office |
15:00-15:20 |
演讲4:集群服务汽车产业链创新发展 Speech 4: Innovation and Development of Cluster Services in the Automobile Industrial Chain 演讲嘉宾:Stephan A. Vogelskamp,德国山地地区经济促进委员会主席、德国北威州汽车产业集群主席 Speaker: Stephan A. Vogelskamp, Chairman of Economic Promotion Committee in German Mountainous Regions and Chairman of North Rhine-Westphalia Automobile Industrial Cluster |
15:20-15:40 |
演讲5:汽车与消费者生活融合的创新实践 Speech 5: Innovative Practices for the Integration of Automobiles and Consumer Lives 演讲嘉宾:应宜伦,博泰车联网创始人兼董事长 Speaker: Ying Yilun, Founder and Chairman of PATEO |
15:40-16:00 |
演讲6:汽车产业数字化转型升级实践与路径 Speech 6: Practices and Paths of Digital Transformation and Upgrading in the Automobile Industry 演讲嘉宾:门欣,一汽集团体系部部长 Speaker: Men Xin, Director of Systems Department of FAW Group |
16:00-16:20 |
演讲7:充电技术与基础设施演进及规划 Speech 7: Evolution and Planning of Charging Technology and Infrastructure 演讲嘉宾:周显涛,开迈斯新能源科技有限公司首席执行官 Speaker: Zhou Xiantao, CEO of CAMS |
16:20-17:20 |
圆桌论坛:汽车产业生态圈应如何构建从而助力产业升级? Roundtable Forum: How should the automobile industrial ecosystem be constructed so as to help upgrade the industry? 议题: Topics: 1. 汽车生态圈还会有哪些参与方加入? 1. What other participants will join the automotive ecosystem? 2. 新生态参与伙伴应如何结合自身优势助力产业升级? 2. How should the new ecological participating partners combine their strengths to help upgrade the industry? 3. 整车企业与生态伙伴的供需关系应如何平衡? 3. How to balance the supply and demand relationship between finished automobile enterprises and eco-partners? 4. 在生态圈建立过程中有哪些中德汽车产业合作机遇? 4. What are the opportunities for Sino-German cooperation in the automobile industry in the process of establishing the ecosystem? 5. 中小企业如软件企业,谈数据处理与安全方面、自动驾驶立法等 5. SMEs such as software enterprises talk about data processing and security, legislation of autonomous driving, etc. 6. 德方初创企业在生态圈内有哪些创新? 6. What are the innovations of German startups in the ecosystem? 7. 德方产业集群如何助力企业发展? 7. How can the German industrial clusters help enterprises develop? 主持人:夏一正,奥纬咨询副全球董事合伙人 Host: Xia Yizheng, Associate Global Managing Partner of Oliver Wyman 对话嘉宾:一汽、博泰、开迈斯 Dialogue Guests: FAW, PATEO, CAMS Mario Knaf,萨尔州结构转型管理协会集群经理 Mario Knaf, Cluster Manager of Structural Transformation Management Association in Saarland Dr. Thomas Rucker,德国图林根州汽车产业集群主席、IPOL公司总经理 Dr. Thomas Rucker, Chairman of Thuringia Automobile Industrial Cluster and General Manager of IPOL Michael Stopp,萨克森汽车产业集群董事会成员 Michael Stopp, Member of Board of Directors of Saxony Automobile Industrial Cluster Jakob Masat,aimtec商务拓展经理 Jakob Masat, Manager of Business Development of Aimtec |
分论坛三:零部件企业引领与产业超越分论坛 Sub-Forum III: Sub-Forum on Component Enterprises' Leadership and Industrial Transcendence |
面向不确定的未来,零部件产业一如既往地通过技术创新、模式创新引领时代潮流。随着新能源、智能网联汽车的渗透率不断提升,智能电动车时代已快速渗透进消费者的生活之中。 Facing an uncertain future, the component industry continues to lead the trend of the times through technological innovation and innovative business models. As the penetration rate of new energy and intelligent connected vehicles continues to rise, the era of intelligent electric vehicles has rapidly become integrated into consumers' lives. 在此过程中,未来关键零部件,如动力电池,电驱系统,电子电气架构、车载芯片,V2X等产品与技术将持续不断的跨越边界,并捋智能电动车产品体验提升到新的高度,实现汽车产业的自我超越。 In this process, future key components, such as power batteries, electric drive systems, electronic and electrical architecture, on-board chips, V2X, and other products and technologies will continuously transcend boundaries and elevate the product experience of intelligent electric vehicles to a new height, realizing the self-transcendence of the automobile industry. |
14:00-14:20 |
演讲1:整车电子电气架构发展与挑战 Speech 1: Development and Challenges of Electronic and Electrical Architecture of Finished Automobiles 演讲嘉宾:王隽,华为智能汽车解决方案BU,Marketing与销售服务部副总裁 Speaker: Wang Juan, Vice Director of HUAWEI Intelligent Automotive Solution BU, Marketing, and Sales & Services Department |
14:20-14:40 |
演讲2:百年德企—伟巴斯特的新能源转型之路 Speech 2: New Energy Transformation Road of Webasto, a Century-old German Enterprise 演讲嘉宾:张丽华,伟巴斯特中国区总裁 Speaker: Zhang Lihua, President of Webasto China |
14:40-15:00 |
演讲3:电驱动系统技术路线与进展 Speech 3: Technical Routes and Progress of Electric Drive Systems 演讲嘉宾:周晓晖,湖南中车时代电驱科技有限公司副总经理 Speaker: Zhou Xiaohui, Deputy General Manager of Hunan CRRC Times Electric Drive Technology Co., Ltd. |
15:00-15:20 |
演讲4:V2X技术发展路径畅想 Speech 4: Envisioning the Development Path of V2X Technology 演讲嘉宾:范炬,中信科智联科技有限公司副总经理 Speaker: Fan Ju, Deputy General Manager of CICTCI |
15:20-15:40 |
演讲5:全球网络,为客户企业提供适配系统 Speech 5: Global Network to Provide Adaptive Systems for Client Enterprises 演讲嘉宾:Olaf S ü dmeyer, Tesflow Testsysteme GmbH董事总经理 Speaker: Olaf S ü dmeyer, Managing Director of Tesflow Testsysteme GmbH |
15:40-16:00 |
演讲6:打造舱驾一体新生态 Speech 6: Creating a New Ecosystem of Cabin and Driver Integration 演讲嘉宾:徐东超,中科创达汽车产品战略副总裁 Speaker: Xu Dongchao, Vice President of Automobile Product Strategy of ThunderSoft |
16:00-17:00 |
圆桌论坛:零部件企业如何在不确定性时代潮流中发展? Roundtable Forum: How can component enterprises thrive in the uncertain trend of the times? 议题: Topics: 1. 中国零部件企业如何更好的实现技术突破? 1. How can Chinese component enterprises better realize technological breakthroughs? 2. 零部件企业商业模式将面临哪些变化? 2. What changes will the business model of component enterprises face? 3. 如何看待零部件企业出海机遇? 3. How do you view the opportunities for component enterprises to expand internationally? 4. 零部件企业革新过程中,汽车产业、政府、德方产业集群、机构等应发挥哪些作用?中德汽车产业能有哪些合作机遇? 4. What roles should the automobile industry, the government, German clusters, and organizations play in the innovation process of component enterprises? What are the opportunities for cooperation between the Chinese and German automobile industries? 5. 德方电池生产策略? 5. What are the strategies of German battery production? 6. 德方芯片生产战略? 6. What are the strategies of German chip production? 7. 考虑与中方开展哪些潜在合作? 7. What potential areas of cooperation are the German side considering to carry out with the Chinese side? 主持人:王薛超,中国汽研政研咨询中心副主任、中国汽研北京院副总经理 Host: Wang Xuechao, Deputy Director of Policy Research and Consulting Center of CAERI and Deputy General Manager of CAERI Beijing 对话嘉宾:中车、伟巴斯特、中信科智联、中科创达 Dialogue Guests: CRRC, Webasto, CICTCI, ThunderSoft Holger Czuday,德国巴伐利亚州汽车产业集群主席 Holger Czuday, Chairman of Bayern Automobile Industrial Cluster Florian Pihs,Valtech Mobility业务增长副总裁 Florian Pihs, Vice President of Business Growth of Valtech Mobility VeroniqueLarcher,森海塞尔汽车事业部总裁 Veronique Larcher, President of Automobile Business Department of Sennheiser Christian Eicke,Drei Bond董事总经理 Christian Eicke, Managing Director of Drei Bond |
All day on October 19, Changchun
09:00-10:00 |
参观考察一汽集团(定向邀请) Investigation in FAW Group (Targeted Invitation) |
10:00-11:30 |
中德会客厅(定向邀请) Deutsch-Chinesischer Treffpunkt (Targeted Invitation) |
嘉宾入场 播放中德汽车大会往届视频、照片,重要合作项目,礼仪人员引导重要领导及嘉宾入座15min Entrance of Guests Play pictures and videos about important cooperation projects and other content of former editions of Deutsch-Chinesischer Automobil Kongress, with the ritual staff guiding important leaders and guests to their seats. (15 minutes) 主持人开场 长春市政府相关领导主持介绍本次会议议题,介绍领导及嘉宾5min Opening Remarks by Host The relevant leader of the Changchun Municipal Government presides over and introduces topics of the Kongress, leaders, and guests. (5 minutes) 德方领导发言 致辞10min Speech by the German Leader Speech (10 minutes) 中方领导发言 致辞10min Speech by the Chinese Leader Speech (10 minutes) 德方企业代表发言 在华德资企业、行业机构高管5min Speech by the Representative of German Enterprises Senior Executive of the German enterprise and organization in China in the automobile industry (5 minutes) 中方企业代表发言 一汽集团相关领导5min Speech by the Representative of Chinese Enterprises Relevant leader of FAW Group (5 minutes) 汽车产业集群城市代表 党委和政府主要领导5min Speech by the Representative of Automobile Industrial Cluster Cities Principal leaders of Party Committee and the government (5 minutes) Hannes Schleeh,因戈尔施塔特创业中心总经理 Hannes Schleeh, General Manager of Ingolstadt Entrepreneurship Center Nils Schweizer,Syngenity GmbH总经理 Nils Schweizer, General Manager of Syngenity GmbH 自由讨论 中德双方自由讨论、提问环节25min Free Talk Chinese and German attendants engage in free talk and ask questions. (25 minutes) 领导发言 吉林省委常委、长春市委书记讲话10min Speech by the Leader Speech by Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Jilin Provincial Committee and Secretary of the CPC Changchun Municipal Committee (10 minutes) ——活动结束 礼仪人员引导现场有序退出 -End of the event with the ritual staff guiding the orderly exit |
09:00-17:00 |
分论坛四:长春市汽车及零部件国际贸易产业链合作论坛 Sub-Forum IV: Forum on Changchun Automobile and Component International Trade Industrial Chain Cooperation 10:40-10:50 Norbet Noisser,IHK Gießen-Friedberg亚洲事务高级顾问 Norbet Noisser, Senior Adviser on Asian Affairs of IHK Gießen-Friedberg |