Proposal for Future Key Cooperation Directions

Updated : 2019-02-14Source : CCFAO

Proposal for Future Key Cooperation Directions

Updated : 2019-02-14Source : CCFAO
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Changchun needs to actively adapt to the new situation and new requirements for the Sino-South Korean exchanges, adhere to the principle of serving the country's overall diplomatic strategy and local economic development, focus on the overall goal of regional central city construction in Northeast Asia, promote full-scale opening up and investment promotion, develop targeted and effective exchanges and cooperation, and build a diversified, multi-level, and all-round new exchange pattern.

Sister city exchange should be refined. In combination with Changchun’s key tasks, industrial development and urban development needs, while maintaining the existing exchange programs, Changchun should make full use of the different advantageous resources and industries of its sister city Ulsan, focus on the exchange and matching of schools, hospitals, and industrial parks in both cities to provide comprehensive services for the economic and social development of Changchun. It needs to promote exchanges and cooperation between counties & districts of Changchun and South Korea, build a platform for matching and building of friendly relations, strengthen the outreach work of Changchun through the sister city, expand cultural industry exchanges and cooperation, and “tell a good story of Changchun”.

It needs to dock the “Belt and Road” cooperation projects, promote targeted investment, continues to carry out the “Citizens Enter Its Sister City” program, expand communication channels, enrich exchange contents, and build a new platform for Changchun citizens to participate in civil diplomatic activities. It needs to integrate tourism resources to attract more South Korean tourists to visit Changchun.