Joint Delegation from American California and Mexican Baja California Visits Changchun Municipal Foreign Affairs Office

Updated : 2023-08-28Source : CCFAO
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On August 22, 2023, at the invitation of the Organizing Committee of the Northeast Asia Expo, Chia Hsi Chu, President of Mexico Chapter of the Northeast China Chamber of Commerce in the United States, and Timothy Kelly, President and CEO of the Imperial Valley EDC, accompanied the joint delegation from American California and Mexican Baja California to visit Changchun and participate in activities related to the Northeast Asia Expo.

On the afternoon of August 23, following the arrangement of Changchun Municipal Foreign Affairs Office, the delegation visited the Changchun Planning Exhibition Hall before visiting the Changchun Municipal Foreign Affairs Office, where they had a discussion and negotiation meeting to explore cooperation between Changchun and American California and Mexican Baja California in industrial cooperation, overseas business expansion of enterprises, cross-border investments, import-export products, and other areas. During the meeting, Ou Shuo, Deputy Director of Changchun Municipal Foreign Affairs Office, welcomed the delegation and provided a brief overview of Changchun. He highlighted the traditional friendly exchanges between Changchun and the United States as well as Mexico and mentioned the friendly city relationships between Changchun and Little Rock in the United States as well as Tijuana in Mexico. He also looked forward to a closer connection and more frequent mutual delegation visits between Changchun and cities in the United States and Mexico in the future.

Chia Hsi Chu, President of Mexico Chapter of the Northeast China Chamber of Commerce in the United States, expressed his hope to facilitate a visit by a delegation of government officials from Tijuana, Mexico to Changchun in the latter half of 2024. Subsequently, representatives from participating enterprises, including Imperial Valley EDC, Fusheng Real Estate Investment and Property Management Corporation, California, USA, CPI Consulting Corporation, Cadena Industrial Development Group, EFE Consulting Group, and BASE Bank, provided on-site promotion presentations during the meeting, introducing their business scopes, product services, overseas investments, and other aspects.

The Division of American and Oceanian Affairs of Changchun Municipal Foreign Affairs Office was present in the visit tour and the meeting.