117 Bestune NAT Electric Vehicles Shipped to Mexico in Bulk Export

Updated : 2023-03-24Source : CCFAO
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Recently, 117 Bestune NAT electric vehicles were shipped from Lianyungang to Mexico, marking the brand’s first bulk export to the Latin American region. This will become the largest all-electric ride-hailing fleet for Bestune in the region.

Since 2022, Bestune's overseas marketing department has been coordinating overall planning efforts, actively arranging for the export of Bestune NAT electric vehicles to Latin America. The company has completed sample vehicle testing, small-batch exports, and product certification in major Latin American countries, including Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Brazil, and Costa Rica. With the successful signing and shipment of 117 Bestune NAT electric vehicles, the Bestune brand aims to become a leading new energy passenger vehicle brand in the local market.

In the future, Bestune's overseas marketing department will continue to push hard in the Latin American region, accelerating product transformation, upgrading, and replacement. The company is determined to meet all annual export targets and comprehensively win the battle for accelerated breakthroughs in Bestune's overseas development.