Director Xue Chunzhi and his delegation visit the North China Office, International Enterprise Singapore

Updated : 2023-03-10Source : CCFAO
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On the morning of March 7, Xue Chunzhi, Director of Changchun Municipal Foreign Affairs Office, and Duan Huaxu, Deputy Director of the Office led the Asia Office to visit Zhang Xiaosi, Director of North China Office, International Enterprise Singapore, and the First Secretary of Embassy of the Republic of Singapore in China, and exchanged opinions on cooperation in economy and trade, education, culture and other areas.

The North China Office, International Enterprise Singapore is a resident representative office of Singapore in China. It is responsible for Singapore's business expansion and development in North China and Northeast China, which provides information and assistance to Singapore enterprises who have interest in investing and seeking development in China.

Director Xue Chunzhi expressed his thanks for the reception given by International Enterprise Singapore despite busy schedule. He gave a detailed introduction of Changchun in terms of the development status and the advantages in various areas, and he hoped that International Enterprise Singapore will continue to play a bridging role in promoting the cooperation between Singapore enterprises and Changchun enterprises, broaden the exchange areas and promote the common development of both sides.

Director Zhang Xiaosi extended welcome to the delegation of the Changchun Municipal Foreign Affairs Office. She said that Changchun has always been an important market in northern China for Singapore enterprises, and she expressed her appreciation for the continuous optimization of the business environment in Jilin Province. She hoped that through the visit by the Changchun Municipal Foreign Affairs Office, the two sides will find good common points for the cooperation, which lays a solid foundation for the further cooperation between and development of Singapore enterprises and Changchun enterprises. With the mitigation of the Covid-19 pandemic and the all-round re-opening of China, North China Office, International Enterprise Singapore looks forward to strengthening connection with Changchun to further explore the potential for deeper cooperation and lay foundation for the all-round economic and trade cooperation between the two sides in the future.

Relevant personnel from the Asia Office of the Changchun Municipal Foreign Affairs Office accompanied the visit.