Maple Leaves Turn Red in Changchun Nanhu Park

Updated : 2022-10-19Source : CCFAO
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The golden autumn, the season with the most beautiful maple leaves, comes again. Changchun Nanhu Park has become a good place for citizens to enjoy autumn scenery and appreciate red leaves.

Maple leaves in Nanhu Park gradually turn red from late September, and mid-to-late October is the best period for sightseeing. The red leaf landscape is a major feature of the Nanhu Park in autumn, with varieties including acer triflorum, acer ginnala, acer mono, acer rubrum and acer pseudo-sieboldianum, covering an area of nearly 20 hectares. Among them, acer triflorum covers the largest area, with more than 10,000 trees on about two hectares.

The White Birch Forest is a special viewing area in Nanhu Park every golden autumn, covering an area of 3.2 hectares and is also the forest with the highest white birches in Changchun. The best viewing period is from the first ten days to the middle of October, which is also the most popular time for tourists to view birches.

The red leaves in Nanhu Park will last from early October to the end of October. Citizens can enter from Gate 5 of Nanhu Park, walk to the vicinity of Sunset Red Square, or enter the viewing tracts on both sides of Yan'an Avenue from Gate 4. This area is very suitable for viewing red leaves.